When you get beat up and knocked down, a great philosophy is that old famous one... to get back up. When you really really get beat up, it takes a little more time to get over it. But to take that challenge and get back up, that sounds glorious. After my Boston Marathon of 2012, I've been training just for that.
About this time last year I was preparing for Boston, feeling great and in 3:00 marathon shape. It would be a series of unfortunate decisions that would lead to a complete collapse and cause me to spiral into a 4:16 marathon and a terrifying experience. One of my greatest faults last year was drinking a lot of Gatorade the day before the event, I mean about 3 litres a lot! Why...why would I on my 7th marathon do something that I had never done in any of my other marathons? The only thing I can come up with is nerves. To err is human, and with the news broadcasts' predicting a record heat day, and my 1st Boston about to go down. I err'd, I err'd that $*#T up big time. During the run I suffered from something I had never heard of until it happened: overhydration (http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/overhydration) Along with my sugar and salt probably hitting the critical meter. Needless to say I blew up early and my race was over before I started. To read more on that (http://dstyb.blogspot.ca/2012/04/my-monday-april-16th-2012-in-boston-262.html)
I remember sitting on the ground after the race with my family and friends surrounding me. I wasn't cognizant of the situation, and for the first time racing I was scared for my health. I had pushed it to the edge. An hour later after being wheeled to the med tent, I managed to come back to earth and get some fluids in, just short from going on an IV. This one really really beat me up.
A week after the Boston debacle, I got back on the road and the thought of another marathon seemed daunting. At the time I was signed up for Ottawa Race Weekend for the 27th of May and I was really nervous that I would have the same experience I had in Boston. Even thinking about Boston at this point wasn't an option. It took me a few weeks to regain my form, and I showed up to ORW with a nervous curiosity about me. It was as if I was running my first marathon. At the starting line I took some deep breaths and promised myself to relax into a comfortable pace right away. I was off and the plan came together flawlessly to finish in 3:01. This race brought my confidence back, I needed that. To let me know what I already shouldve known, that Boston 2012 was a one time thing.
Now that I`m a week out from the race, I contemplate, review the past, and visualize this years starting line. A month ago it was fearful, after running Around the Bay, (not a great race for me) that Boston fear started growing again. My last long run, and my last hill workout fixed that completely. I went out for my last 3 hour run and destroyed it, I added a couple big hills the last 40 minutes of the run and felt like a gem. I then came out smiling from my last hill workout-My favourite in Ottawa. (https://maps.google.ca/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=217705717122258425059.0004d9a1397c97f97e437)
I`m very excited for Beantown this year. I`m excited to laugh, I`m excited to smile. Particularly over some of those hills that had me cringing last year. I will enjoy this year, and I think that`s what I can take from last year. Just settle in and enjoy the great experiences, because there may be a time when they don`t come around so often.
Here`s to you and Boston Monday!!
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