It's Thursday, March 28th, I'm on a plane flying back from China. I'm wiped, and yawning as I pull up my airplane approved knee high compression socks. My twin brother who lives in China just got married, so my older brother Ryan and I headed to China for a week to be there for the ceremony. As I'm sitting for the 15 hour flight from Hong Kong to Newark,New Jersey, I've got a lot of time to think about my 30K race in 2 days. There are a few unusual's that may come in to play: First off I just finished running 2.5 hours on this past Sunday night (Ontario time) to prepare for Boston 2013. Second, I drank a lot at my brothers bachelor party. Third: the 18 hour total flight time. Fourth: The drive to Hamilton. All things considered though, I'm still excited to get out there. I'm getting up a lot on the plane to stretch-which has gotta help, right?
It's Sunday, March 24th, I'm feeling great;all things considered. Though I'm excited to get this race over. It's as if it's the last notch from my big trip to China. Last notch before I get back to work. I walk from the parking lot to where the starting line is. 1st time to Hamilton, it's cold! One of those mornings where the chill just cuts through you, but then you wonder if you're dressed to warmly or not warm enough. Usually I prefer too warm. I've got on under armour, a warm half-zip, and my Boston jacket.
Once I get to the start line I see two good guys I've run with before. Mike and Steve from GoodGuysTri. They're wearing shorts and long sleeves, I'm envious now that the race is about to begin. Ahhh....well.. too late now! The gun goes off.
First 10K, what a relief to get started. I've got my pal Mike Herzog beside me, and I'm glad to have him there. You've got to love once a race starts, all of the questions start to get answered. How do my legs feel? How will this gameplan actually play out?
I'm awake and in tune, regretting the Boston jacket. As we get going, I can see something's up with Mike, and by about 9Km in I've lost him. Our game plan was 3:50/km for 20Km, then just hold on for the last 10KM. I'm hitting 10Km as we crest a bridge, I start to feel the hurt.
10K-20K, once you feel the hurt, it just gets harder. I think the first time "the hurt" happens in a race, you can hold on a lot longer, not believing the end will come. After a few races you get to know that feeling, it's inevitability. As I pulled up to the first good hill around 14K, I fought and began the self motivation, the emotional battle. By 20KM I was destroyed, my legs went home. It's the point in a race where every kilometer is an eternity, you're lacking self motivation, and hating and hurting every minute until the end. Emotionally toasted, physically exhausted! One plus though, was seeing my wife and cousins waiting for me at 18K. I was able to get a small boost and drop my jacket off. Bonus!
20K-30K, A few more hills to come. Game plan 2 arrives. Now I'm looking to achieve a 2:05. I'm stumbling and struggling to maintain some kind of pace. As we hit the first few hills after 20, I push and do alright coming over them. After I reach the top I've realized that I may have gassed out completely. As I maintain, I come around the corner to see racers climbing a hill in the distance...It can't be, this hill looks ginormous! It I work my way there I'm officially decimated by this monster. At this point in the race, it's the last crack in the glass...shattered. I stumble my way to Copps Coliseum where I'm jubilant to be finished this tough race. My foot has a blister the size of a fist, and I'm emotionally riddled. Great race though, I'd love to do it again, because it kicked my ass! Next time, I'd be smarter and drop 15 seconds per km to make up for any travel and heaviness in the legs.
Here's to you a getting your ass kicked!
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