Thursday, 2 May 2013

You've Got to Earn Pain

It was a hot day in Ottawa yesterday. I didn't have enough time in the morning to get my run done, so I decided I'd do it after work. I had a speed workout on the schedule and I was sure that it was going to be painful. It's almost something that you plan for, expecting that you're not getting enough until you reach that point in the workout.

As a competitive runner I always like to know that I can reach my full race potential. Maybe I can hit this pace one day is a thought that often crosses my mind. I'm sure I'm not the only one. As I laced up my shoes for the impending workout, I was prepared to work to reach that point in the workout where everything in me wanted to stop. I also hoped that I could hold out for a little while until that happened, because it was inevitable that it would.

Usually I run with my fast friend Neil. He's what I call a beast. He just goes through the workout and keeps going; unscathed. Neil is one of those runner friends you have that you really want to keep up with and they inspire you to keep working harder, and really earning that pain.

As I stepped onto Hopes Side Road, (a very long slight pain in the ass of a hill in Ottawa). I was determined to crush my pace. I didn't crush it, I did what was just before crushing it. Fairly well? BUT... I wouldn't have done half as well if I hadn't pictured Neil ahead of me, it made me not give up so easily. It gave me that feeling that if I stopped, I'd be falling way behind. I felt good, satisfied to be done the workout. That's all you want.

Here's to you and earning the pain!


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