I can't help but think that a marathon is somewhat like pregnancy. I thought I'd make some comparisons...So... my wife and I have been pregnant for..well about 8 months and a few weeks. We're pretty far and almost there. As you can imagine there's been a lot of learning, happy days, painful days, and great stories. As a dude, I think the marathon is the closest I'll get to really being pregnant..then again, I haven't run an ultra yet.
"Woo hoo, let's race!" , or "We're pregnant!"
It's a sweet time, you've just started the race, you're excited at what's going to happen.
But at the same time you feel kind of sick.
"Oh yeah, feeling good" , or "Yup, Pregnant"
You're cruising, everything usually feels pretty good. You don't really even feel the pace. This is just like how I felt on Sunday. Relaxed, taking it easy from 1Km-25Km.
"Running sucks", or "Woh, pregnant:"
All of the sudden out of nowhere I'm hit with this feeling of pain, maybe a little bit swollen, sore hips, with an overwhelming feeling of fatigue. Sound familiar...?
"YES! Made it" OR "YES! Made it"
I'm fighting it, just holding on. It's this unrelenting pain of wanting to quit, and the only thing that keeps me going is the prospect of finishing. As I see that timing pad, I know I've made it. It's one of the most amazing feelings and proud moments that you can get in such a quick amount of time, after working so hard and going through so much.
Don't hurt me women who've gone through it, I know it's not the same. But maybe the similar on different levels. I know my wife will give me the true rundown in just a few weeks! Pumped!!!
2:50:20 PB
Ottawa Race Weeekend
Here's to you and enjoying yourself out there!