Thursday, 30 May 2013

Marathons & Pregnancy..Ottawa Race Weekend 2013

It's Sunday May 26th,2013. I'm feeling good about this marathon, I've built a strong mantra to prepare. I love marathon weekend in Ottawa, I've been participating in the marathon here since 2006. It's such a case of tradition between the expo and the routine of preparation. The excitement is there, but I've learned to relax a little bit more lately, especially after my chilled out race in Boston a few weeks ago. Today, I'm very excited to be running it with my good friend and training mate Neil Rosenthal.

I can't help but think that a marathon is somewhat like pregnancy. I thought I'd make some comparisons...So... my wife and I have been pregnant for..well about 8 months and a few weeks. We're pretty far and almost there. As you can imagine there's been a lot of learning, happy days, painful days, and great stories. As a dude, I think the marathon is the closest I'll get to really being pregnant..then again, I haven't run an ultra yet.

"Woo hoo, let's race!" , or "We're pregnant!"
It's a sweet time, you've just started the race, you're excited at what's going to happen.

  But at the same time you feel kind of sick.

"Oh yeah, feeling good" , or "Yup, Pregnant"
You're cruising, everything usually feels pretty good. You don't really even feel the pace. This is just like how I felt on Sunday. Relaxed, taking it easy from 1Km-25Km.

"Running sucks", or "Woh, pregnant:"
All of the sudden out of nowhere I'm hit with this feeling of pain, maybe a little bit swollen, sore hips, with an overwhelming feeling of fatigue. Sound familiar...?

"YES! Made it" OR "YES! Made it"
I'm fighting it, just holding on. It's this unrelenting pain of wanting to quit, and the only thing that keeps me going is the prospect of finishing. As I see that timing pad, I know I've made it. It's one of the most amazing feelings and proud moments that you can get in such a quick amount of time, after working so hard and going through so much.

Don't hurt me women who've gone through it, I know it's not the same. But maybe the similar on different levels. I know my wife will give me the true rundown in just a few weeks! Pumped!!!

2:50:20 PB
Ottawa Race Weeekend

Here's to you and enjoying yourself out there!


Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Thank You

It's extraordinary how much you mean. All of you.
You hold our water bottles, rub our sore spots,
Pack snacks in backpacks,
while making sure before the race-we just... relax!
The way you stand there for hours
waiting on end for us to show up.
You give us power to keep going, through the fun and the sour.
When we come home from a long one,
with nothing just done.
You look after us more, so we can just.. run.
We say what about this one, what about that race
You're there, when all we can think about, is just the pace.
From 5Ks to marathons, to the obstacle challenge,
back to the race that was painful to get some revenge
Thank you for listening, thank you for caring,
thanks for the times when the race is just nearing.
Or when it hurts there so bad and we could just laugh
and you kick us upstairs for an epsom salt bath.
When the goal is so big like and ultra or Boston
and we meet at the finish with tears, it's just awesome.
That you know all the pain and the work that is training
and you're as proud and as happy when you see us gaining.
When you stand on the race side,
with the thousands of others,
who support us to thrive, kids, fathers, and mothers.
When you hold up your signs and when you take pictures,
When you wait in our expo lines, while we try electrolyte mixtures.
You've been here through races and all different towns,
picked us up on the runs when we've lost to the ground.
I wanted to thank you, without all your support, it would not be as easy to work as hard at this sport.

Dustin Beach
P.S. Thanks Sarah Beach, you are my rock and my biggest fan. I love you! 

Thursday, 2 May 2013

You've Got to Earn Pain

It was a hot day in Ottawa yesterday. I didn't have enough time in the morning to get my run done, so I decided I'd do it after work. I had a speed workout on the schedule and I was sure that it was going to be painful. It's almost something that you plan for, expecting that you're not getting enough until you reach that point in the workout.

As a competitive runner I always like to know that I can reach my full race potential. Maybe I can hit this pace one day is a thought that often crosses my mind. I'm sure I'm not the only one. As I laced up my shoes for the impending workout, I was prepared to work to reach that point in the workout where everything in me wanted to stop. I also hoped that I could hold out for a little while until that happened, because it was inevitable that it would.

Usually I run with my fast friend Neil. He's what I call a beast. He just goes through the workout and keeps going; unscathed. Neil is one of those runner friends you have that you really want to keep up with and they inspire you to keep working harder, and really earning that pain.

As I stepped onto Hopes Side Road, (a very long slight pain in the ass of a hill in Ottawa). I was determined to crush my pace. I didn't crush it, I did what was just before crushing it. Fairly well? BUT... I wouldn't have done half as well if I hadn't pictured Neil ahead of me, it made me not give up so easily. It gave me that feeling that if I stopped, I'd be falling way behind. I felt good, satisfied to be done the workout. That's all you want.

Here's to you and earning the pain!