Monday, 30 July 2012

Full Potential: (inspired by the 2012 Olympics)

These Olympics make me want to get faster,stronger, better, and more dedicated. I feel like I can relate to the athletes who train for a living. I'm sure I would dig that lifestyle to search, and really find my true potential. Along with many others I'm sure, I've always loved the idea of finding my full potential after training harder than I ever have.
Where would I end up, what could I do, where could I go?

Then I think full potential in what? I'm a runner so there's an idea, but I'm not a short distance runner, and I wonder if I'd ever want to be an elite marathoner...that's one skinny me! Maybe a Tri, perhaps that's where I could decide to reach my full potential!
You see, these games inspire that in me, like minded athletic individuals who decide that full potential is possible, full potential is hard work, but I feel as if you can keep working at full potential for years, and never be certain, or decide that you've reached it. The best you can be.
Almost like my 7 years working for Boston to finally qualify. Then I qualified for Boston at 3:02:48, I PB'd and thought "I can do better", same race next year 3:01:01.

Is full potential something we choose?

I don't know, but I think so!

Enjoy the Olympics!


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