Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Hold On

It's nice to be blogging again. For all of you that followed my blog on IRun. Thanks a lot for reading, it was great to have the support. I hope that I can meet your expectations as I continue my blog here.

The key to any race is holding on, getting yourself to ride through the entire effort while pressing the pace just above your lactate threshold. This is the goal of most people when they race. A lot of us are racing to gain PR's, qualify for a race, or for a little friendly competition. If you've trained properly, and understand those paces, hopefully you can achieve that success in your key events. I consider every event a mathematical balance, it tends to go up and down for me.

2012 Review

April Boston Marathon 2012
I buried myself before this race started by over-hydrating on Gatorade. I held on until 7KM.

May Ottawa Marathon 2012 
Great race up until the mid 30KM range. I had to dig deep and focus on the person in front of me. It was so frustrating to look at my watch and try and maintain my pace.

June Spartan Sprint 5KM 2012
This was my first Spartan race, I wasn't really sure what to expect. It was so muddy to start, I struggled with the obstacles. I had to fight to hold on the last 2KM. It was such a tough fight, a different one. In a 5KM race you're above your lactate threshold, so my chest burned throughout the last few Kilometers.

July Spartan Beast 25KM 2012
I wasn't really certain how to evaluate this race. Spartan organizers don't give you much information. Though because it was a trail run, I expected it to be fun! It was the opposite. They basically sent us up and down a ski hill for 25KM. It was quite taxing and by 3KM in the race- I was fighting to hold on. I would've trained a lot differently for this one if I could go back.

Army Run Half Marathon 2012
It was time to get a PB in my half, it was time to crush it! I held on for the entire event. I knew I was just above my lactate threshold pace. As I made the turn on Sussex with about  4KM left, I felt the hurt. This is when I started really focusing on the shirt ahead of me, holding on with everything I had.

Toronto Scotiabank Half Marathon 2012
I held on for 8KM. That's always really hard in a race to go that early. But my stomach went at 8KM and my lung ceased up. This was a nice humbling race to get me back in check. I pushed through the last kilometers stopping when I needed and struggling through.

911 Run Run Half Marathon 2012
I held on for 18KM. Almost to the very end. I had never experienced such a strong wind resistance. As I made the turn on the 2nd half of the race my legs were heavy from the hills. The last few kilometers of this one hurt bad. It was nice to finish, and hold on to the end.

I think that most races require participants to hold on. It's the beauty of racing, and so challenging. I may know that I'll have to hold on for a race, but it's one of the hardest things to do. When you're holding on, it takes extreme mental power and physical power to keep your legs moving. The more holding on you can do, the better it will serve you come race time. Holding on is key to knowing yourself better, and will make you helluva a lot more proud come that finish line.
